TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - How should one handle problems with a vendor?
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Subject How should one handle problems with a vendor?
Posted by SeedyROM on April 19, 2005 at 1:55 AM
  This message has been viewed 467 times.
Message I sincerely hope most of you can keep your heads together long enough to read this and/or answer truthfully because if we knew what the majority wanted, it might make things a bit less stressful in the main forum. You can't please everyone all of the time but I sure as hell would like to know what you folk would do. Please leave your conspiracy theories and confrontational attitudes at the door, and I'll do the same. You don't have to answer but spare the flames, you'll only make yourself look the fool.

Hope I can get some serious repsonses. I really have no idea how to handle such events. I'm sure others would like to know. I'd like to think we're a little more civil than the F-body guys with all the bitching and moaning!


Bill is browsing another automotive forum, one of many that he visits. On said forum he sees a message from another member about a nightmare experience from ABC vendor. We're not talking about a simple mistake like shipping the wrong product, but a major issue where the customer is being treated unfairly. Again, this is solely assuming the vendor is at fault. Not a case of mere speculation as that would be unfair.

If vendor ABC was also a vendor on the other websites Bill visits, what should Bill's course of action be as a responsible, rule abiding forum member?

  1. A) Start a new thread linking to the post in question on the other forum to warn other members
  2. B) Reply to an existing post about ABC vendor linking to the post on other forum
  3. C) Completely ignore it and say nothing
  4. D) Other - This is a risky option because I know some of you are as long-winded as I am. But if you can answer it very plainly and simple, you'd be better than I. Please don't flame people's answers. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, right?
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