TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - ThermoBlok spacers
People Seeking Info

Subject ThermoBlok spacers
Posted by DragonSi on April 12, 2005 at 12:30 AM
  This message has been viewed 207 times.
Message Hey, I don't know if you guys have ever heard of them but they make spacers between the plenuum and tb's to dissapate heat. And i recently contacted them about possibly creating a line for our cars since we get heat soaked so fast and our intake manifolds pretty much suck and this is the only option we can go with other than totally custom. This is their website [ [, ] ] if we can find enough interest, they would be willing to create a set, the set would cost int eh 100$ or less range with longer studs and hardware.
Personally i have heard only good things about this products, allot of mustangs have been doing this for years. I am gonna make a poll in the polls section but wanted to post here so that we can get more people to see it and hopefully get it into protection real fast. Thanks


  1. Yes, I'd be interested in purchasing one if they made it
  2. No, i don't want it, i like over heating (not meant to be bias)
  3. maybe... more info please?
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  • ThermoBlok spacers - DragonSi 00:30:15 04/12/05
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