TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Your opinions wanted inside (wheels wheels wheels)
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Subject Your opinions wanted inside (wheels wheels wheels)
Posted by Nadir(Detroit) on March 24, 2005 at 1:34 AM
  This message has been viewed 459 times.
Message Ok guys, here's the deal. I have someone who's been asking me for a while now to buy my wheels. I've said no, but I recently started browsing casually to see what else is out there. I came upon a set of wheels that caught my eye. Speed Star Sp1's (the black wheels). So here's some pics, the first is with my current wheels, and the second is with a set of wheels that look pretty much identical to the speed stars. Lemme know which one's you guys like.

  1. leave the current wheels
  2. change to the black speed stars
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