TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: questionaire.
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Subject Re: questionaire.
Posted by ZLover4Life on December 25, 2004 at 6:08 PM
  This message has been viewed 275 times.
In Reply To questionaire. posted by Milo (Sport Z Magazine) on December 23, 2004 at 02:23 PM
Message Who is the greatest member ever in your opinion?
Damon and Greg

If you could pick one post that represented as whole, which one would it be?
Ni[x]it. This is both good and bad. Good because his Z and his dedication to the Z community and the betterment of Z32's is a valuable thing (much like the whole community) but bad because when someone says the wrong thing, he tears them apart (much like the whole community).

If you could meet one member who would it be?
Ni[x]it. He's definately the most colorful member, and I think he'd be a cool person to hang out with as a result (kind of like the "Dennis Rodman" factor, lol)

If you could race one member who would it be?
Greg Dupree in his Z32 with GT2530's, because I'd want to see how my car compares to another similarly modded TT with a driver such as Greg. (Note: I know his car is more modded, but we run the same turbos, so racing him would show the difference that the supporting mods made as well as the skill in drivers).

If you could change one thing for the better about what would it be?
Less bashing. People come here because they need help. We should help them with questions about their cars (which we do) as well as with how to be a real Z owner (which we do, in a mean way through bashing people who do unfavorable things to their own cars). I think if we were more like "Those stickers don't accent the looks of the Z32, I feel removing them would make the car look more classy" instead of "Those stickers are f*cking hideous. You deserve to be kicked in the teeth. Take them off or go to" we'd have many more participating members. (For those who didn't know, there are LOTS of lurkers on this site who would be posters if they weren't afraid of being flamed.)

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