TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Upcoming decisions..opinions appreciated
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Subject Upcoming decisions..opinions appreciated
Posted by MyDreamZ on November 09, 2004 at 8:11 PM
  This message has been viewed 186 times.
Message Well the time has come to decide what to do next with my Z. Currently I'm at stageIV+ and I need to decide what to do next. I drive a 280zx daily which right now is an eye sore to say the least. My question is do I paint the Z32 and continue modding to stage VII or do I buy a 96 stageVII that is absolutely perfect, sell my current Z32 and buy an N/A for a daily driver to fix my eye sore 280zx. I want to keep my Z32 that I have now, but is it practical to have two Z32TT's? Keep in mind I drive 70 miles a day for work. Any input appreciated.

  1. Keep current Z32, sell 280zx, buy an N/A
  2. Keep current Z32, buy 96 Z32, sell 280zx
  3. Sell current Z32, buy 96 Z32 and an N/A
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