TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - RVM(Ebay equivalent) split downpipes/testpipes holding up???
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Subject RVM(Ebay equivalent) split downpipes/testpipes holding up???
Posted by ZigZag on October 21, 2004 at 5:52 PM
  This message has been viewed 193 times.
Message The "supposedly" doomed to crack RVM(or any of the pipes sold on Ebay since they are one in the same) stainless steel split downpipes and test pipes have been available for more than a year now. I am curious how many members have experienced this theoretically foreshadowed demise. If you have these installed and they are still structurally sound, indicate the approximate number of miles you have had them in use. If you have experienced an integrity failure, indicate in a response to the poll how many miles they lasted on your car. Please note that this is not a poll about whether 2.5"ID is better than 2.25"ID.

  1. 0-999 miles
  2. 1,000-2,999 miles
  3. 3,000-4,999 miles
  4. 5,000+ miles
  5. I have experienced failure.
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