TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - well at least you used the correct "their"/"they're"/"there"
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Subject well at least you used the correct "their"/"they're"/"there"
Posted by grammunist on October 08, 2004 at 2:51 AM
  This message has been viewed 105 times.
In Reply To do you guys hate the guys from generation z posted by F.B.Z. on September 10, 2004 at 08:53 AM
Message option once. Grammunist's Grammar Lesson to follow:

They're - conjunction of "they" and "are". As in 3. they're ok

Their - 3rd person plural possessive. As in 4. I hate their guts.

There - referring to a location not in immediate proximity; or an indirect introduction to a story/tale. As in "My car is parked over there"/"There was this one time, at band camp..."

Thier - not a word

No need to thank me.

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