TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Yea those other parts all will be black
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Subject Yea those other parts all will be black
Posted by TTwinZ (CT) on September 16, 2004 at 8:36 PM
  This message has been viewed 115 times.
In Reply To I think you will have enuf blue in your engine bay posted by Atl300zxTT on September 16, 2004 at 08:56 AM
Message What i'm actually trying to figure out is what else to do in blue if anything. Some people say just leave that blue kind of like a centerpiece to the engine and do everything else in black and chrome, i just wonder if by doing that there won't be enough blue in the engine and it will look out of place. I was thinking the darker blue grounding kit, but i don't know what else.

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