TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum
People Seeking Info

News Item - November 10, 2000 04:14 PM

Short update. Well, thanks to Zippin, I think we might have solved our tt.NET merchandise issues. We're planning on dropping the check on Monday. We're probably going to start taking orders at the end of next week if we can sort out some final issues over the weekend.

Sorry for the extended delay!

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - November 08, 2000 07:14 PM

Just added another new feature to the board. If you look at any member's profile, you will now see some new links underneath their member name. These links allow you to view the messages on any forum posted by that person. Essentially, it's the same thing as doing View Own, only for somebody else. Several people had requested this ability, and I've found a need for it a few times myself.


Written by Greg (Dallas)

News Item - November 06, 2000 11:49 PM

Greg & I went finish up our TwinTurbo.NET merchandise purchase this morning. We sat down with the Account Executive & the VP of the company we were working with only to be told the e-commerce/fullfillment part of the deal had fallen through over the weekend. Meaning they can make the merchandise, but can't handle orders and shipping for us through their e-commerce site, because they're going to take it down soon. Most of the reason we were going through them was for the internet sales service. Neither Greg nor I have time in our schedules to handle taking orders and doing shipping, so we're working on alternate plans to get things finished. We're trying to have things done before Thanksgiving for Christmas sales.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - October 31, 2000 09:30 PM

We're running some development software accelleration on the scripts. Slower to you? yes, it is.. it has a 2 second delay built in until we decide to buy it. We've tried unsuccessfully in the past to make this thing work out. Looks like the newest version is going to swing for us. If everything is cool tomorrow, we'll probably lay down the cash & ditch the footer message and the 2 second delay. Just so you know if it seems slower, it actually is for now.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - October 30, 2000 07:49 PM

Updated the Links page finally. Lots of new entries. This is my favorite: Z32 Wheel Selection Guide. I don't know who's page this is, but kudos on the compilation of info!

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - October 28, 2000 11:29 AM

OK, the verdict is in. Most people liked the 'old' way that View Personal worked. SO, I've spent about three days working on code strictly for the thread building process to make it work better and more efficiently, and voila! The old way is back!

In addition, you should now see on the normal forum pages that any messages you have posted will have the author's name highlighted in red. This should help you more easily identify your own posts on the main forum pages without necessarily having to use View Personal.

Other minor fix: Some of you may have noticed that it's possible for you to view a post, compose a reply, and then submit the post successfully only to find out that it never shows up because the post you were replying to got deleted while you were replying. This has now been fixed and you will be notified upon preview or submit if the message you are replying to has been deleted.


Written by Greg (Dallas)

News Item - September 26, 2000 01:44 PM

We're down right now, I'm on hold with Verio trying to find out exactly why we're down. I'm moving the server(s) off Verio in the next couple weeks, as other suitable connectivity has been ordered that doesn't leave the server end right next to the largest construction site in Dallas. The construction kills our power at least once a day, or shreds our T1/telco connection. Makes me as an engineer with a lot of electrical equipment working for a company that hasn't grasped the concept of centralized UPS rather cranky. I officially hate the new American Airlines Arena being built next door, I suggest you do the same. Verio says our connection has been up and down for the last 3 days. For WebTV users, we're looking into the login problems some of you are having, which is confusing, because some WebTV users are able to get on & go. Since none of us use WebTV, it's difficult to diagnose. tt.NET merchandise is still being worked out. Greg & I haven't gotten to talk a lot in the last 2 weeks to settle out the front costs. That is all.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - September 17, 2000 10:04 PM

Well... I guess we'll unleash this on everyone. There's a new theme now! I'd had this half built for a long time & decided to polish it off & get it out there. Our three themes are getting stale, so we'll start adding themes to take advantage of the flexibility we built into the site. The new theme is 'Alxlee', a little gift of gratitude for our new Admin. Thanks Alex! If you find anything odd, e-mail me directly please. I think it's mostly in line, and it's very, very frameless! :-) Go here to change your profile & check it out under 'Theme' at the bottom.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - August 28, 2000 10:19 AM

The new server is screaming along. Hopefully you've noticed the difference in performance. We're still working on NOS for it tho. There's still more to be gotten out of it.

We're gearing up to have shirts and other merchandise made to promote the site. We need a headcount to see who's interested in what so we don't over order certain items. This isn't a commitment to anything, but we do ask that you be honest in what you might want to purchase. All the pics are mock-ups to give you an idea of what the final items will look like. Check out the survey page here. Thanks for your participation.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - August 25, 2000 02:22 PM

Well, we FINALLY have the new server up and running. Hopefully you'll all see the site to be quite a bit faster. This is a pure hardware upgrade at this point, so we still have some things we're working on to continue improving the speed.
Of course, we never miss an opportunity to add new functionality, so here goes:

  • The forum is COMPLETELY dynamic. This means that if you edit your profile you can change both the theme (page graphics) and view (way that threads are displayed) to suit your fancy.
  • There are two new settings in your profile (at the bottom)
    • Initial Page to Load - Since we have multiple forums, this allows you to choose which one pops up by default when you first hit the site.
    • Highlight Messages posted in last N minutes - This allows you to specify a time threshhold. When you view any forum, any messages that are newer than N minutes old will be highlighted with a little arrow graphic. This allows you to tailor how you can identify recently posted messages on any forum.
  • Welcome back message - At the top of every forum there is now a little welcome back message. It will indicate several things
    • If you're not logged in, you'll see a message indicating this
    • If you ARE logged in, it will tell you how many messages have been posted since you last hit this forum. Note that this does NOT correspond to the 'recent message indicator' listed above. If you haven't visited in several days the count will be quite high, but the indicator will only show messages that posted in the last N minutes that you specified.
  • ALL profile options are fully active. If you set any option and it doesn't appear to work, please let us know ASAP.
  • Events Forum now views current events first and views oldest to newest, i.e. most current events at the top to furthest in the future at the bottom. This is backward from the way every other forum works, but we think it's more intuitive given the nature of the Events forum. Obviously many of you do as well because we had many emails on this subject.
  • Photo Icons are back! Any message that has an image embedded in it will show a little camera icon on the main forum page to indicate such.
  • Keep in Mind that since the forum is dynamic, the speed at which a forum page is displayed can be directly related to the number of messages you have set in your profile to see on each page. In other words, somebody who views 50 messages at a time will, in general, run quite faster than somebody who has it set to 999.
  • RIDES PAGES are updated as of 8.10.2000, so go edit and save your RIDES page if you haven't done so since then.

I guess that's about it for now. Hopefully you'll enjoy a dramatic speed increase with the changes that we have made.

Greg (Dallas)
Dallas DamonZ
AlxLee (Admin)

Written by Greg (Dallas)