TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum
People Seeking Info

News Item - February 07, 2000 07:04 PM

We narrowed all the slogan entries down to 4. Now it's your turn to choose which you want to be the winner! The poll will be open for the entire week and I'll post stats at the end. The winner gets a round of tt.NET gear. ;-)

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - January 30, 2000 11:49 PM

OK, getting some excellent entries in the license plate by-line contest. After seeing the artwork for the T-shirts, I'm thinking I want to add the by-line into the shirts as well... just turn it into a slogan for the site. ;-) Read the news item below for more details on the contest! Thanks to all that have submitted, really clever stuff so far.. going to be hard to decide.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - January 22, 2000 12:29 AM

Well, things went pretty much as expected when we went live. We trimmed back on some features to speed up the rest of the operation, like no chat server for now & 'Views' are defaulted to the original style. We're working with some software acceleration now. If you've been here during the afternoons over the last week, you've probably gotten a taste of it. Just a few more kinks to work out & I'd say it'll be just as fast as it was before the switch to V2K.

Everyone wants T-shirts, stickers & license plate frames. As soon as I get my final artwork from one of my designers, we'll be getting it all made. I do have one request from the membership. On the license plate frame, I need a by-line to go with the logo. Something like 'Enough info to choke on' as someone once put it. :-) E-mail suggestions to Best phrase will score a free round of tt.NET gear, not to mention being put on the plate frames. And don't bother sending me 'Enjoy the Ride' that's been done already. Just something else short & catchy. :-)

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - January 01, 2000 09:04 PM

We're live! Hopefully the server overhead will be sufficient to handle our traffic levels. It just keeps growing... I never imagined it would be this way after a year and a half. Over 2 million hits, and an average of 830 individuals checking in daily. The largest Z Club in the States is around 600 members. We might have more territory, but our active membership is still larger, the overall size of the TwinTurbo.NET community is well over 5,000 members.

OK, OK, enough with the feel good, here's the pay-off as it were. Greg & I could have been content with the forum the way it was, but with a couple additional tweaks to make life easier on us. We decided to raise the bar for the membership, offering an even better site for the Z32 community. We've had features sitting in the background of the old forum waiting for the chance to be set 'live'. Once the pile got large and we felt the old tricked-out freeware had exceeded it's usefullness in our hands, to go further and add these features, we needed a fresh approach. The V2K software is still pretty raw, there's a lot of performance tweaking to be done. The platform and theories behind it's creation will allow Greg & I to really propel TwinTurbo.NET to the next level. Things might be bumpy at first, like it was when we first started 400,000 messages ago. Be patient with us, we refuse to issue a substandard forum. This might mean scrapping everything we've got built here now. I'm ready to make that sacrifice if need be, but I'm sure it won't come to that. Greg & I have worked too long and argued way too much over this thing for it to fail.

We could only program so far. Our Beta Test Team beat it around quite a bit and offered many opinions on the functionality and overall feel of the new site. I want to thank them for taking time to help us with the new forum, they will benefit the most. I also want to thank Greg for putting up with me when I would insist on things working the way I wanted them, even when it went against everything he was programming. More often then not, I would ask for a change and he'd already have it done, or be working on it. A better programming partner and teacher I couldn't ask for. Thanks G for making all this possible! I'd still be fumbling around with the For Sale forum trying to make it work on the old forum, now I can actually understand the old software. I won't comment on the new stuff, it's on a totally other level. :-)

Wish us luck!

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - December 31, 1999 03:02 PM

The time has come! Hope everyone is having a pleasant 1-1 or 12-31 depending on when you read this. Happy New Millenium!! How does it relate to tt.NET? V2K forum software launches tomorrow. We'll be kicking offline at 11:30pm cst tonight and the server will start indexing the remaining messages into the database. I backed up all the current messages, the total size was 2.4G of disk space. Not surprising, as we're passed 450,000 messages now. We should be back tomorrow evening sometime with the new forum software. As always, stay tuned!

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - December 28, 1999 05:51 PM

Yeah! 2 Million hits!! We nailed this one in the last 7 months, the first one took a year to attain. Thanks for all the support since we've opened! Now... drumroll please! The winner is:

    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 1999990 Z CRAZY
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 1999991 Roscoe BSP317
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 1999992 John Y(Houston)
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 1999993 Z CRAZY
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 1999994 JC4five
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 1999995 Z CRAZY
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 1999996 jaram55
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 1999997 Roscoe BSP317
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 1999998 UNKNOWN NEWBIE! Hasn't logged on before!!!
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 1999999 Roscoe BSP317
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 2000000 Justin (OKC)
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 2000001 John Y(Houston)
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 2000002 Z CRAZY
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 2000003 RAZZ
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 2000004 Logik-Z [Pittsburgh]
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 2000005 nadir
    Dec 28, 1999 05:49 pm 2000006 Z CRAZY
    Dec 28, 1999 05:50 pm 2000007 UNKNOWN NEWBIE! Hasn't logged on before!!!
    Dec 28, 1999 05:50 pm 2000008 jaram55
    Dec 28, 1999 05:50 pm 2000009 Z CRAZY
    Dec 28, 1999 05:50 pm 2000010 Logik-Z [Pittsburgh]
Congrats to Justin (OKC) for his winning hit!!!

PriZe package: 1 Z hat & shirt from RT, 1 1/24th scale model TT from JeNN, 1 SGP T-shirt from SGP Racing & 1 Z Commercial CDROM from ALSO late entry to the priZe pile... the new Austin Powers movie on DVD courtesy of Jack B. (thanks Jack!)... Justin, shoot your address to me, we'll get stuff mailed directly to you!

Dallas DamonZ, Greg (Dallas) & Steve Simmons - the TwinTurbo.NET Admins

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - December 28, 1999 03:19 PM

SGP Racing has thrown in a SGP T-shirt to the priZe package! Thanks to SGP, JeNN & RT (insert today's subtitle here) for the 2M goodies. More details below & lower.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - December 28, 1999 02:52 PM

JeNN just added a Tamiya 1/24th scale model Z32TT to the prize list! Thanks to JeNN and RT for making 2M a contest today!! ;-) More details below.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - December 28, 1999 02:16 PM

Notice something different about the site's counter? Yep, here we go again! 2 Million hits should roll sometime tonight. We're tracking the hits to see who the 2 millionth visitor really is. Prizes??? Prizes???? RT is throwing in one of his cool black Z logo hats. The logo is in white, same one used on shirts he did a month ago. I'll throw in one of those fabled CDROMs with all the Z commercials on it. Fabled you ask? Well... Mike B. STILL hasn't gotten his stuff from the re-launch contest. Sorry Mike! :-((( I get working on it & then get sidetracked with work or V2K here. Anyway, if I sit down and burn about 2 more tries, everything should be totally revised and ready to roll! So... 2 million scores a Z hat and a CDROM of all the Z commercials I could find (33+). If you don't have a valid e-mail account in your profile... tough luck! That's the only way I have of contacting you. The next hit with a valid account wins the goods.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - December 13, 1999 12:14 PM

A long time since I've updated the NEWS page, so I'll do my best to play catch-up. First off... Y2K is days away. Greg & I are confident everything is a go for making the jump to 2000 with the current software. The 2K forum software (It used to be V3.0) should be ready to go at the beginning of the year. We had a spurt of 2 weeks where we were able to get some major work done on it. We're very close now, just adding the finishing touches & doing some polishing.

I've got a freeze on the ancillary pages (FAQ, RIDES, etc.) to keep from having to balance stuff between the current forum and the new forum. So I've got a pile of RIDES images to clean up & the FAQ pages are standing still for now.

Behavior on the forum... NZR is Not Z Related, meaning I or one of the other admins or moderators will probably delete it the next time we are in the admin tool set. Don't whine about it getting removed, because it wasn't supposed to be posted on a Z discussion forum anyway... Deal with it. Also, we've had a couple people posting pics/links to some objectionable items. These will be removed too. Please think before posting. This isn't a locker room, it's not just guys reading this... There are Z loving ladies out there reading their way through the forum too. For example: if you're a guy, would you like it if one of them posted a pic w/ a guy wrenching on a Z with his.. uh.. 'equipment' exposed? No, you wouldn't. I know I don't want to see anything like that, which is what they are being exposed to. Yech! No double standard here. They will be removed, it's not what we're here for. Polling Qs are getting shot down by the membership, thank you for that. E-mail is still overrated. I use e-mail all the time, you should too.

Really nothing else to say right now. Enjoy the Ride!

Written by Dallas DamonZ