I finally got around to the install today. I followed the directions. Basically you wire them into the interior dome light/door switch circuit. This sill kit comes with an "inverter" which is literally a little black box. You wire the sills into the inverter and the inverter into the car's oem relay for the dome light/door switch circuit. Each door sill has two wires... call them black and black w/ white strip. The inverter has 4 wires. 2 white wires, 1 red wire, and a black wire. The instructions tell you to connect one of each wire from the sill to the white wires of the inverter (using the supplied "block connectors"). Kind of vague but what I did was I installed the black sill wire from both door sills to one white inverter wire, and the black w/ white strip wire from both sills to the other white inverter wire. So in essence the two door sills are sorta wired in parallel and across the two white wires on the inverter box. <-- hoping that completes a "circuit". (with me so far?) Then the instructions tell you to connect the red wire from the inverter to the red/black wire on the car's relay. And the black wire from the inverter to the red/white wire on the car's relay. No problem. Re-connected the negative terminal on the battery. And noticed more of a spark/arc than normal. Hmm... somethings got power on. (the sills' illumination circuit obviously). Anyway, the good news is.. the illumination works! Yay. The so-so kinda hesitant news... when the sills are illumination there is a very loud high-pitched whine emitting from the inverter box. Even when I reinstalled all the interior panels (which have some sound deadening on them), I could STILL hear it. It is very annoying. However, when the dome circuit "times out" after the doors are closed that godawful whine goes away. It is independant of the dome light itself. I can turn the dome light on or off manually and it has no affect on the whine. Its only when the doors are opened and the sills are illuminated, until you close the doors and wait until it (the car's relay circuit) times out. Other observation, the inverter box was slightly warm to the touch. (not much though). So, after all that, my question is --> Is this NORMAL?? Is the inverter supposed to be making that noise? Did I screw anything up? Thanks! PS - for those that wanted to know how much is involved in installing the door sills with wiring, you have to remove a total of SIX interior panels on a 2-seater, in the following order: - the parcel shelf behind the seats - the left & right hard panels on either side of the parcel shelf - the center trim piece behind the center console armrest/glovebox. - the driver & passenger side panels that wrap around from the b-pillar/seatbelt post to the center trim piece mentioned above. (oh yeah, and of course you remove the oem door sills too).
Z-Jay Vice President - Edmonton Z Car Club 93 300ZX TT - Stage VI  