TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Can i use this 5spd striking rod
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Subject Can i use this 5spd striking rod
Posted by TTNIckdizzle on June 08, 2011 at 10:39 AM
  This message has been viewed 1365 times.
Message A buddy of mine had his shifter bracket fail on him where the shifter fell down so far it hit the driveshaft and blew apart the piviot point in the trans striking rod. So he bought a brand new OEM striking rod from courtsey parts and the striking rod is different than the original one in the trans. The new one fits fine, slides in smooth as butter, no play at all. but the thing is not the same as you can see in the pics the new one has a sort of a bevel to it, where the old one is fully round. Any one know if i can use the new one?

the damaged striking rod

mocked up the new one.

Comparing new to old

Flipped 180* and they are identical

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