TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Yet another ECU connector pin-out.
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Subject Yet another ECU connector pin-out.
Posted by DVDBURN (MD) on July 21, 2010 at 5:39 PM
  This message has been viewed 6157 times.
Message Here is my version of the ECU connector pin-outs. I used the image provided by aliaZ in the FAQ. Although the FAQ picture is one of the most exact depictions of the ECU connector pin-outs that I've seen I felt there was still room for improvements/clarifications. This version could also be improved if I had more info on the silver bands related to five of the wires. Please vote it to FAQ. Thanks!

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Follow Ups
  • Yet another ECU connector pin-out. - DVDBURN (MD) 17:39:01 07/21/10
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