i just relocated my PTU as part of my engine bay dressup project...i used the 2 following posts: from Ash [ http://www.twinturbo.net/net/viewmsg.aspx?forum=technical&msg_id=812928 ] from vorpalz [ http://www.twinturbo.net/net/viewmsg.aspx?forum=technical&msg_id=890585&forum=technical&dtSearch=0 ] the posts were great, but the pics in Ash's post don't work and only some of the pics from the other post were working...so i thought i would just add some pics for whoever may do this procedure in the future...they explain the writeup in those posts, so i won't go over that again
how it should look 
the harness cut open all the way...this is what it should look like...

after the 2 single wires for the sensors were separated, there was no need to cut open the 2 big fat chunk of wires below them...so i left them alone...but i did tape the 2 big groups of wires together right after this picture

in this picture, the radiator bracket was removed and the radiator pushed back to make space...then i removed the bracket for the AC condensor to make enough room to slide the PTU wires through...you will have to remove this AC condensor bracket (not pictured) ...when i snaked all the wiring through, it was still pretty tight...but to make it easier i did unplug the sub-harness from the PTU...the connector is pretty wide and it wouldn't slide through while still connected...but if you eliminate the sub-harness altogether, this won't be a concern (here is Bernie's post on that [ http://www.twinturbo.net/net/viewmsg.aspx?forum=technical&msg_id=1060680 ])

here it is snaked through from the front 
PTU mounted with a screw in it's new spot

done. i will prob cut open the wiring loom a little more to give myself enough slack to run the wiring behind the timing covers and have them come out right under the throttle cable cover

keywords: PTU relocation, PTU relocate, PTU harness, PTU sub-harness
Professional Photoshoot of my Z 