TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - No problem. It can also adjust for injector size,
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Subject No problem. It can also adjust for injector size,
Posted by AshsZ (Fab Whore, Ph.D) on June 17, 2002 at 10:02 PM
  This message has been viewed 82 times.
In Reply To Is the Zemulator capable of supporting a dual MAF setup, or posted by boileralum00 on June 17, 2002 at 09:55 PM
Message anything really.

I haven't figured out exactly what the best method of adjusting for dual pop is yet. One could just set the injector size to half its actual flow rate and cut the map scalars in half. Dual pop configs measure half of the actual air intake so a few mods to the setup will take care of that. I can tell you it will definately be able to do that, I just need to research it a little and find out the best way to do it.

With this setup, there is no need for an AFC. You will be directly modifying the operating parameters of the ECU. But, if you already have an AFC, it is a good tool to have for displaying other information.

: am I going to need to keep the S-AFC around?

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