TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - You are also putting down 533RWHP on aftermarket turbos>
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Subject You are also putting down 533RWHP on aftermarket turbos>
Posted by AshsZ (Fab Whore, Ph.D) on June 17, 2002 at 9:51 PM
  This message has been viewed 112 times.
In Reply To That's interesting, my techdom registered 19 degrees posted by MikeH(Twin GT35BB Incon Z) on June 17, 2002 at 09:38 PM
Message kinda changes the rules of tuning. You can flow all that extra air at a cooler temp and therefore crank your timing up a little more for more power. No way stock turbos will run 19psi at 19 degrees of timing, the intake charge is way too hot and it will detonate.

I wouldn't be suprised if you could go up to 21 degrees. :) PRobably should, you'd probably also make more power. :)

: of timing at WOT on the dyno. My tuner friend felt it was little conservative .

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