TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: who has buried their speedo at least 1x ?
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Subject Re: who has buried their speedo at least 1x ?
Posted by VinZmax on March 11, 2025 at 1:48 PM
  This message has been viewed 143 times.
In Reply To who has buried their speedo at least 1x ? posted by The Devils Z on March 10, 2025 at 11:25 PM
Message Just once............ hit 163mph on my Garmin GPS in the Z.
That was before it was dyno tuned. Had a Z1 chip in it at the time and dual intake and catback.

Pushed 135-140 or so a handful of times way back when. Now I just do blasts up to about 110 or so here and there.

When I was doing that 163mph pull,,,,, I was thinking after passing 130mph that if I get caught, I'm going to jail. Then once I was passing 150mph, I was thinking if I sneeze and lose control they'll need to pull dental records to identify me :)
And (to me at least) there's a HUGE difference in the feeling of speed between 130mph and 150mph. Like the feeling at that speed is not proportional to just another 20mph between 130 and 150. It feels like that 20mph extra is like another 100 at least.


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