TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - My first car was a Z...
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Subject My first car was a Z...
Posted by CameronSF on March 11, 2025 at 12:46 PM
  This message has been viewed 60 times.
In Reply To I wanted a 2nd gen prelude but couldn't afford one.... posted by komplexZTT on March 10, 2025 at 06:26 PM
Message I was in college in AZ and on a college budget. Found a red '73 240Z with a vinyl top and drove it for a bit. Was hit by someone cutting across a parking lot which totaled it. Found another '72 with a 5 speed, triple webers and headers - bought that and drove it and was rear ended in a rain storm while sitting at a red light. Bought a maroon '71 and moved the motor and goodies over. At that point I was out of college and needed something with better A/C. Ended up with a maroon '90 NA.

Moved to CA and did a few upgrades - struts, springs, wheels, JDM fascia etc but it was stolen in SF one night when I was out in the city. It was interesting tracing the car all over as I received parking tickets and toll violations from all over. They eventually found the car stripped and totaled it. That's when I found my relatively low mile aztec red '90 TT with some basic mods. Have been adding on since then although it sits in the garage and usually just comes out for fun drives these days. It is still on original turbos at 126K miles so definitely starting to show its age but still really enjoy getting in the boost.

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