TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: Fingers crossed - CA classic car law proposal
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Subject Re: Fingers crossed - CA classic car law proposal
Posted by Cjw3 on March 07, 2025 at 9:23 AM
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In Reply To Fingers crossed - CA classic car law proposal posted by sasha on March 07, 2025 at 02:54 AM
Message California is about Compliance.. Comply or Suffer. There is the Perception that newer cars are better for the California 'People'.. That is debatable..

However this California Born 3rd Generation Old Fart, will keep my 1924, 1997, 2001, and 2002 Cars on the Road till I die.. and repair them all myself as well, as did my Father, Grandfather and Great Great Grandfather.

Former Gov Arnold signed that 'Stop' on the 'Running 30 Year Pause' on Smog Checks.. Jay Tried to get to Veto that bill.. but he was unable to convince him..
SOMEWHERE there is a President that was set in the Early 70's in California, about Allowing cars to Exist AS Sold without Modifications to comply with Smog Laws..
Early on in the Smog Wars, Ca. was requiring the VW Cars to install EGR Valves, and Temperature Controlled Vac Advance Controls to Comply with Smog Requirements.. Big court fights, and the Consumers Won that round.. So the State can not require Mods to Comply with New Laws..

The Next thing that was Fought, was that Smog Parts could not be Purchased from Junk Yards.. We lost that fight, and the State Says that the Parts must be Purchased for 'Smog Part Recyclers or New'..
But it was allowed to Operate the Car on the Highways until the Obsolete Parts could be Supplied.. There were a LOT of Hoops that needed to be Jumped Through.. And I do not know it that 'Exemption' Still Exists.. I've never had to use it.. But it was a 'Thing' when I was DDing my 70's Honda Civic CVCC Car, because of the Un-Availbilty of the Special Exhaust Manifold that Acted like a Reactor Chamber insted of a Cat Converter, is why I was following that fight..

If you are running a 93 through a 95 300, then you have 'Basic' Smog Gizmos on the Car.. Easy to stay in Compliance.. IF you have a 90-92 300, just run a 93-95 Rom Code for your Particular Mods ( Or Aftermarker Chip will also do ) then you do not need to have the AIV's Functional.. however they MUST be there.. to Pass Visual.. The 93-95 ECU's ROM uses an Idle Formula Simular to OBD2 Cars, and the AIV's are not nessasary..


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