TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Has Z32 turbo technology progressed in the last 5-10 years?
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Subject Has Z32 turbo technology progressed in the last 5-10 years?
Posted by ThrillhouseAgain on February 18, 2025 at 2:19 PM
  This message has been viewed 270 times.
Message I've been out of the Z world for quite a while, but last summer I was given my dad's 91TT that had been mostly sitting for 10 years. It runs fine, but could use a thorough freshening.

The car has 167k miles and is currently stock except for a Stillen catback, JWT pop intake, old (stillen?) chip, and 14ish psi.

It's going in for an engine pull, suspension refresh, transmission replacement, etc. While the engine is out, I'm going to replace the 15 year old stock turbos but I'm having trouble deciding what to go with. I'd like to get in the 400-450whp range.

Originally I was pretty much set on the JWT 530/CZP G5 as this is a street car with a little bit of autox and I'm not really interested in big power numbers or laggy response. The 530s have been around for years and years though, so I'm curious if modern turbo technology has allowed for improved top end power without the additional lag that larger turbos used to include.

I've seen the GTX2860 gen2s recommended a bunch of times as a more modern turbo. Have the technology improvements affected the usual tradeoffs of larger size = slower response? I'm not really concerned about price, I just want to get the build right the first time and not be back for another engine pull in 6 months because it's either too laggy or I'm disappointed in the power increase.

I'm not currently expecting to do any significant breathing mods other than upgraded intercoolers and 3" exhaust to the catback, though I'm not opposed to it if it'll make a difference in response.

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