TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Seat mount studs
People Seeking Info

Subject Seat mount studs
Posted by MyBlueZ on January 17, 2025 at 11:56 AM
  This message has been viewed 154 times.
Message I'm thinking that I'm not the only Z owner in the world that has seat mounts/slides that have rusted out completely. In my case the rear studs and nuts on the drivers seat are so far gone that they have melded with each other and the slides in one big congealed flaky mess. It's all in the process of being cut out because there's no other way.

My question is about the removing and replacing the studs themselves. They seem to be mounted somehow from under the car, either through or attached to a rectangular plate that's under the floor pan. Unsure if they are welded or friction fit as mine are covered in undercoating right now. Has anyone replaced them that can explain how best to remove the old ones and what you used as replacements?

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