TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Yep thanks
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Subject Yep thanks
Posted by MyBlueZ on July 20, 2024 at 8:13 AM
  This message has been viewed 138 times.
In Reply To Don't use worn out turbos posted by BlackholeZ on July 19, 2024 at 11:45 PM
Message Definitely appreciate the feedback from someone who's done a swap before.

Will not be using the worn out turbos. Will definitely be getting the remaining breather mods. I already have MSP manifolds and 3" exhaust.

I have a Z1 Howe radiator and an adapter kit from CZP. Haven't gotten far enough yet to determine if the kit will work or not.

I have a brand new oem fan shroud and all the IC brackets with brand new rubber bushings.

I have a brand new engine harness.

Managed to collect every TT AC hard line. The condenser is the biggest issue. I have an ebay one but it's probably not great for 134a. May try a different refrigerant.

I inherited a brand new oem power steering pressure line for the TT pump from the PO of my donor car but I'm going to be keeping my NA steering setup. So I'm going to need to swap that line I think. I have all new silicone lines for the non pressure hoses, and an new oem replacement shaft, bearing, and seal rebuild kit for the NA pump straight from Japan. Leaky power steering seems to be a big enemy of these cars so I'm trying to give myself a good chance of avoiding those problems.

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