TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Fan Clutch and Compressor were new about 5 years ago
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Subject Fan Clutch and Compressor were new about 5 years ago
Posted by Cjw3 on July 14, 2024 at 10:03 AM
  This message has been viewed 140 times.
In Reply To Stock fan/clutch works best ! posted by Drk93TT on July 14, 2024 at 06:30 AM
Message The Car never shows hot.. The Twin Electric Fans went in Because the Electric for the NA is NLA, and my fan had died. Two Fans fit Nicely on either side of the Core Support Center Bracket.

This issue was why did my A/C Relief Valve Blow?.. Still have no answer..

But it's all back together and working fine with the Duel Pressure Switch, and a New Dryer Filter... But the temps have dropped below 100, so it'll be a while before I can check the High Cut out Switch.

Because I lost a lot of the Refrigerant Oil, I needed to replace it.. But it's a guess as to how much..

Factory calls for 6.3 Oz.. I know there is some left in there, so I put about 4 Oz of PAG 100 Oil back in..

And I'm not seeing a way for the A/C System to call the Aux Fans??.. They are called by the Engine Temp ONLY?. That seems like ANOTHER short sited design of these cars.. Should be a Pressure Switch with the Hi/Lo Cutout Switch that calls the Aux Fans as well as some other cars do.

It's still the Coolest car around.. and my Daily Driver..


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