TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Turbo time
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Subject Turbo time
Posted by MyBlueZ on July 13, 2024 at 12:36 AM
  This message has been viewed 429 times.
Message So the time has finally come to figure out the turbo setup for my swap. Sorry for the length but no matter how I slice it this is going to be expensive and I want to make sure I get this right for my goals. This is a street car that will be driven hard occasionally but not tracked. A weekend fun car around town that I may take on some longer highway cruises too. I'm looking to hit about 500 HP on pump gas, and am setting myself up to add E85 support later.

Here's the basic rundown on what I have going in to this build:

Stage 1 IPP rebuilt motor with about 15K miles - Wiseco pistons ceramic coated, otherwise stockish, just freshened up with 120K kit and most seals and gaskets
Stock intercooler/intake piping with larger Z1 intercoolers
Dual intake/MAF with Transmogrifier
Fuel system upgraded (CZP fuel rail, AUS 740 injectors, Walbro 485 pump, Tomei adjustable FPR)
Full turbos-back 3" Specialty Z exhaust with 5-bolt downpipes

OK so on to what I think are my best options after obsessing on this for weeks.

Option 1 -- I have a worn out set of GT2560R's that came on the wrecked TT parts car I purchased for my swap just before covid. They apparently still worked OK when the car was driving but once inspected closely they had some shaft play side to side and back-forth so they are a no-go for me as-is. Compressor and turbine housings are still in good condition and I have the full adapter kit from CZP for this turbo setup in a Z32. So I could acquire a new CHRA, put them back together, and go. This is probably the cheapest option at well under $2K.

Option 1.1 -- See option 1, but get the billet CHRA from CZP that's used in their G6X kit for a few more HP's and $$.

Option 1.2 -- See option 1, but purchase new-in-box GT2560R's from wherever I can find them for the least amount of money. This will cost more but gives me completely new turbos. I will have to clock them myself but won't have to fully reassemble.

Option 1.3 -- See option 1, but see if CZP will sell me the G6X/GT2560R already built with the billet wheels and clocked but with none of the adapters/accessories since I already own them. This will cost more but gives me completely new turbos and saves me some hassle of having to reassemble.

Option 2 -- The new Z1 VGX800 turbos. Z1 is only a few miles from me in GA so I think it might be easier to get support if I need it. But I am a little hesitant on this one because it's not a known brand turbo with history like Garrett and it's also a journal bearing turbo. Both might be fine, I just have no reference point.

Option 3 -- Go with the slightly bigger GT2860R disco potato otherwise known as the G7 from CZP, JWT Sport 700, and Z1 GT675RS I think. This would be the most expensive option for me for sure but has higher HP potential. Not sure it will have the type of response I'm looking for on the street though -- I think I'm willing to give up some HP for quicker response/less lag.

I'm leaning towards some flavor of option 1 just because I'm a little invested there already. But if anyone thinks the GT2560R won't meet my needs or I won't be happy with it for some reason, I'm listening. If anyone is using any of the 3 options and has +/- opinions I am definitely interested. Any other options I should consider?

Thanks for reading and thanks for the feedback!

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