TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Changing diameter of your exhaust piping (2.5”—> 3”)
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Subject Changing diameter of your exhaust piping (2.5”—> 3”)
Posted by Mike@ZSpeed on July 07, 2024 at 1:40 PM
  This message has been viewed 232 times.
Message Is it possible to cut off and remove your 2.5” piping and replace with 3” piping on your existing exhaust set-up?

If I have a 2.5” Labree system and I can’t find a 3” Labree can I remove the 2.5” piping and have 3” piping made?

1. Is this a cost efficient way to get 3” piping?
2. Are the mufflers any different?
3. I assume the mufflers have 2.5” inlet openings that would need to be opened to 3”.

1990 NA
1993 TT

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