TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: Orings, condenser, put dye in it
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Subject Re: Orings, condenser, put dye in it
Posted by Zluster on June 12, 2024 at 8:38 AM
  This message has been viewed 161 times.
In Reply To Orings, condenser, put dye in it (n/m) posted by Bernie (NoVA) on June 07, 2024 at 02:42 AM
Message Hopefully its an easy to access O-ring. I'm pretty sure I filled it with dye oil when I had the engine out, flushed all oil out of the system to get proper amount of oil. Pretty sure I also replaced all the O-rings in the system.

This is the one with ~11k miles on it, so bearings and such haven't just gotten totally worn out, but other things like the front shaft seal, are 25+ years old.

If a hose had a pinhole leak that wouldn't be the worst repair, I have a hose crimper and some leftover hose and ferrules if they are the right size.

Mostly just annoyed I have to do anything since in `2016 when I had the engine out I spent a bunch of effort on the AC system to do it "right" which may or may not have contributed to the problem. Things like aftermarket o-rings can always be of questionable quality.

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