TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Mechanic Recommendation Please! Northeast Preferred But...
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Subject Mechanic Recommendation Please! Northeast Preferred But...
Posted by Onyx Z32 on June 05, 2024 at 6:46 PM
  This message has been viewed 337 times.
Message ... anything East Coast / Midwest will do!

I'm in Buffalo NY and none of the mechanics that I know have experience with these cars... or are open to learning. I'm willing to trailer the car to wherever at this point. I'd also consider flying someone here if that's what it takes.

My Z has an oil pan & front main leak, power steering line leak, coolant bypass hose leak and an AC leak. It's currently on a lift where I just installed a new front main, but I must have nicked the gasket on the crank and it's still leaking... so I've already tried once and failed, lol. I don't currently have a lot of time available that I can dedicate to wrenching on the car even if I was great at it.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

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