TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Air flow to HP theory with a dual intake
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Subject Air flow to HP theory with a dual intake
Posted by Denis on December 20, 2023 at 12:19 PM
  This message has been viewed 496 times.
Message Both JWT and SZ have agreed over the years that since the Z's N62 MAF will peak at the CFM supporting 500 HP and the voltage reading at that peak is 5.0 - 5.2 volts, then 1 volt is approximately 100 HP.
First on the market was JWT with the Dual POP which required ECU map alteration, then the Selin Translator and now the transmogrifier by Kvert which provide the option of modifying the ECU or not.

If the 5V = 500 HP is true, does it also mean with the ECU maps modified that we would double the voltage readings shown from a Data Log to get approximate HP?

I know this question can be unequivocally answered by putting the car on a dyno and recording both numbers, but that shows a relationship to RWHP. But the 1 to 100 ratio might be relating to BHP.
I am wondering what members thoughts are on the matter.

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