TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - A big Thank You to Matt Lovett, and for the reference
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Subject A big Thank You to Matt Lovett, and for the reference
Posted by Good2Zya2.0 on October 30, 2023 at 12:38 AM
  This message has been viewed 415 times.
Message My brother, who lives in Yankton SD, also has a 300TT, a cherry 93, with only 89K miles that he hasn't driven in almost five years. He lived in Atlanta when he bought it and never thought about there NOT being a shop in Yankton that knew how to work on it. There wasn't, and still isn't. So when it hit 89K he parked it, worried he might break the timing belt. He kept saying he was going to ship it to me to get the belt done, but never did.

Several months ago he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I know how much he loves his Z so I had it shipped down. I want him to be able to enjoy his Z for as long as he can. So, one 120K timing belt kit, a new fuel pump, six new injectors, two new turbos, a new clutch and four new tires later she was ready to go back home. That's when the speedometer quit. I sent it to Matt last week and he's shipping it back tomorrow. Got his video of it working perfectly today. Thank you so much Matt for getting it done this quickly. My brother and I greatly appreciate it.

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