TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - UPP V2 Precision Greasable Shifter Bushings
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Subject UPP V2 Precision Greasable Shifter Bushings
Posted by Polishzx on August 18, 2023 at 1:37 PM
  This message has been viewed 449 times.
Message Trevor at UPP is a rock star, big shout out to him for the great youtube content and products he offers. Watch his very informative video on these shifter bushings here: La-Z-Link

I’ve been driving with these new shifter bushings installed for a few weeks now and they’re feeling great. I’ve been appreciating them more each time I drive the car. There couldn’t have been too much slop in my OEM teflon shifter bushings because that setup still felt great to me for years. However with these solid bushings installed, you can tell that there must have been some slop because there is a definitely a subtle but positive change in overall feeling.

The shifter feels slightly tighter (even just wiggling around in neutral out of gear) and feels more precise going into gears. I’d say something like 10-15% improvement in shifter precision, to put an arbitrary number on it. My results could be exaggerated by my OEM teflon being 5-7 years old before being replaced with these solid bushings, and also running the ZSpeed solid shifter bracket. I know I always go on and on about a solid shifter bracket, but I think that should be mandatory to run these bushings as well. I’m not sure if you would feel the same benefit without also having the ZSpeed or other solid shifter bracket installed, but they would still last the life of the car which is also the point.

I had to make one minor change with my kit and that is use a right-angle grease fitting because my grease gun coupler wasn’t fitting in the trans tunnel, I think Trevor might switch over to that style fitting in future kits. I don't think he made too many of these kits, so pick one up if you're interested. Prices are in AUD by default, FYI. Link to purchase: La-Z-Link

Here is the photo of them installed and greased:

Lastly, I’m also trying a new image host because “Imgur” the host I’ve used for the last decade has turned to crap. Trying out "ImgPile" for a while...

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