TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - No new repro parts for the Z32
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Subject No new repro parts for the Z32
Posted by OleMissFan on July 21, 2023 at 8:55 PM
  This message has been viewed 414 times.
Message Ive noticed the natural decline of new reproduction parts for the Z32 over the past say, two years. However, in the past year, especially as the models are now moving right along, I haven't seen anyone making any new reproduction parts for our Z32 model. Appears to be in the dead zone.
I don't mean new and improved engine parts. SpecialtyZ and a few others are still refining the engine but reproduction parts... its a desert out there.

Given the age and popularity, Im really surprised someone like YearOne hasn't started reproducing parts for the entire car but maybe thats because its Japanese and not American... Sad either way.

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