TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Polar Engineering V-band exhaust manifolds (update #4).
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Subject Polar Engineering V-band exhaust manifolds (update #4).
Posted by Polar_Engineering on June 28, 2023 at 11:03 PM
  This message has been viewed 929 times.
Message Hello,

Another update about my Z32 TT kit.
This one will be a short one, only showing a batch of completed manifolds that came in for inspection. I want to make sure these are all identical before we process the rest of them on a CNC and verify that the process is repeatable for main production run this summer.

I am doing my best to process all these as quickly as possible and deliver them to participants of first run group. A couple of participants are from this forum, so you will have an opportunity to get unbiased reviews once these are delivered.

We are also processing downpipes as well. They are all hand built and are a bit complex (especially the recirculated version). Manifolds, downpipes and dual 3" intakes (all parts of this kit) will be delivered throughout July.

Once again, thank you to all participants.

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