TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 370Z Brake Master Cylinder/ Booster Transplant
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Subject 370Z Brake Master Cylinder/ Booster Transplant
Posted by Madhatter10-6 on May 22, 2023 at 3:05 PM
  This message has been viewed 1067 times.
Message The brakes on my Z haven't been right for a while and the stoptechs didn't feel as good on this car as they did the NSX. I started looking for new Z brake boosters and didn't really like any of the options that I found...or the prices on what I did I decided to swap in an entire 370Z setup into my car. Found a good used setup on ebay for $90 shipped with 7k miles on it...looked brand new.

Took me (*us thanks for the help per usual jmw300zx) a little bit of time to figure out what all was needed in order to make everything work but after getting a game plan together it really wasn't that bad of an install to get it working properly.

Before any of the OEM site nazis freak out I am aware that this brake master doesn't have the biasing that the OEM did....the car brakes better than it ever has with this setup and works great even under extreme stopping conditions.

Just thought that some of you might be interested in this as an option for your cars as OEM becomes harder / more expensive to find.

If / when I get time this year I plan on adapting some other things over from the 370Z as well. Dual DBW / and that OEM carbon fiber driveshaft both interest me.

I will also have some cool info soon on the extreme chassis bracing that we are fabricating / installing into jmw300zx's 2J swapped Vert Z.

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