TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - another possible option...
another possible option...
Posted by
Trimble Epic
on March 06, 2023 at 7:55 AM
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Best place to get a new front bumper cover?
posted by aquariuscsm
on March 03, 2023 at 09:49 PM
Another possible option is to find a "nose cut" with the bumper on it... more expensive, but you also get headlights and other stuff; maybe even some intercoolers, which can be ebay'd to make up the difference. It's what I did ;)
Follow Ups
Best place to get a new front bumper cover?
21:49:11 03/03/23
Facebook market place (n/m)
06:30:23 03/04/23
They are discontinued. You can get a '99 or shop used.
Bernie (NoVA)
09:52:55 03/04/23
Z1 had some stock last fall... might be gone now... (n/m)
11:44:01 03/04/23
another possible option... -
Trimble Epic
07:55:19 03/06/23
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