TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Some parts warrant thorough testing regardless
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Subject Some parts warrant thorough testing regardless
Posted by black300zx on January 31, 2023 at 5:36 AM
  This message has been viewed 207 times.
In Reply To Re: How many miles have these been tested? posted by Jkova300z on January 29, 2023 at 08:28 AM
Message of how thorough the design and engineering was. There's many instances of aftermarket parts such as throttle bodies, adjustable control arms, etc not quite functioning as well as intended once they got out in the real world.
These parts don't fall into this category. There are plenty of aluminum components in the cooling system that material selection isn't a risk. These aren't a part where clearances are so close that manufacturing tolerances or a vehicle's accident history could effect fitment, as is the case with 2.5" intercooler piping (for instance). There are design standards that you can follow to make sure the o-ring groove geometry is correct for your application. Likewise, hose barb geometry is well defined in industry standards.

These parts are not technically complex, and their function is pretty basic. About the only risk I see to their function is if someone chewed up the face of the mating part while scraping RTV and left the surface in a condition that won't support an o-ring seal.

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