TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - NZR: Recommended touch up paint for my Avalon
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Subject NZR: Recommended touch up paint for my Avalon
Posted by Mike@ZSpeed on January 30, 2023 at 6:14 AM
  This message has been viewed 240 times.
Message Glacier white.
Backed up into slmething pretty hard couple months ago and broke the clear coat/ paint barrier.
Already started to get some rust.

Before taking to a body shop I want to see if there’s anything I can do to prolong the progression.

I wanna try taking a dremmel to the area and clean the area up the best I can and apply some touch up paint followed by a small patch of PPF.

I stopped at several automotive paint supply stores and they said they can’t give me anything. Spoke with a couple body shops and they said that they can’t make or get anything for me either. After doing some research I’ve read that the Toyota touchup paint is crap.

It looks like there’s several manufacturers that sell touchup paint online and all have pretty good reviews. Just wanted to reach out and see if there’s anybody out there who has purchased touchup paint online and was happy with the results

1990 NA
1993 TT

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