TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: doesnt anyone search anymore?
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Subject Re: doesnt anyone search anymore?
Posted by Jdrummer on January 25, 2023 at 12:51 AM
  This message has been viewed 205 times.
In Reply To doesnt anyone search anymore? posted by Adam (NoVA) on January 24, 2023 at 05:49 PM
Message Yes; yes I did do “the search”. I have that write up printed out at home(which I am extremely grateful for). I thought I would get the obligatory “does anybody search anymore” reply from someone and you did not let me down??. I realize I’m 20 years late to the game; but I’m building my dream Z. It’s more of a journey than a destination. Im enjoying the ride. In talking to a proficient tuner, I was told that “either HALTECH or SELIN dual MAF is the only way to go.” When I thought about it, I’ve never actually seen a high horsepower Z (800hp) with the APEXi SAFC setup. If you look at the post; I was just gauging interest in another company producing another dual MAF, not a how to. I’ve seen a couple of eBay listings for the SELIN go for over $1000usd. USED. That seems ridiculous to me. So you can understand my trepidation about the $300 remedy to my situation. I keep seeing posts on how easy it is to make your own SELIN copy cat; yet if it was that easy, wouldn’t someone have done it already? I’ll take any and all input and criticisms.

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