TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I agree and offer this: (long read)
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Subject I agree and offer this: (long read)
Posted by eazyez on December 25, 2022 at 6:26 AM
  This message has been viewed 227 times.
In Reply To Re: Heater core without removing dash, Anyone done it? posted by OleMissFan on December 22, 2022 at 01:57 PM
Message Before we started buying, driving, and learning to work on our Z cars, I had never done anything with my hands. My upbringing did not include any family or friends that could work on cars.

I still remember wanting to clean and detail my '92 na after I bought it. I wiped everything I could touch in the engine bay while being careful not to move anything. I didn't even flex any of the rubber hoses for fear of hurting something.

As time went by, and new cars came in to the family, our confidence grew. We found this website and connected with some real OG members. Before long, we were changing spark plugs. Changing injectors. Changing timing belts. All thanks to other members knowledge and excellent write ups.

As my path in life progressed, I began to reflect on what those beginnings gave to me, without even knowing it. The Z is a wonderful car. And seemingly daunting tasks are not so if you take the proper and logical steps to complete them. Often several things are needed to be done to complete one specific task. Learning that that would be the case molded my work ethic, and made me who I am today.

Sometimes there are easier ways to do things. But if those "easier ways" create subpar work, or if you risk causing other issues, the best thing to do is accept the time involved in doing it the "long way." More often than not, the long was saves you time. Not to mention the other things you might find that you can take care of, or improve upon while major parts are removed.

With that being ingrained in me, I am better for it all these years later.

I suppose I am trying to advocate for the dash removal more based on life lessons than "gruff" reactions. :P

In the end, it is his decision what to do. And we've all seen short cutters come out unscathed on the other side. It doesn't make one way right or wrong. I simply believe that the long way leads you down a productive path that can't be measured simply by how fast something was completed.

Erik Z.

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