TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Mine is the same way until it gets warm. Drives perfect
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Subject Mine is the same way until it gets warm. Drives perfect
Posted by jmw300zx on September 10, 2022 at 10:46 AM
  This message has been viewed 275 times.
In Reply To Wow! I run the Hi5 in both my Zs with 600whp and alum DS and posted by ForceFedTT on September 10, 2022 at 03:00 AM
Message when I first start driving. After about 15-20 mins it gets very grabby and if RPM's are under 2k from a dead stop, the car stalls.

My Max Street drove like OEM, the High 5 doesn't. Even Madhatter10-6 killed it multiple times on the dyno.

Maybe I got a defective one, but it's the only Z clutch I've had that causes me to drive around it. Normally a clutch just fades into the background and is part of the car. My high 5 does not like heat. If I do a hard pull I can plan on 2200-2500 RPM take offs until it's cooled back down.

But when the clutch is cold it drives amazing. I called SZ about it and Seb said it's normal once it's warm because of whatever type of material it is.

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