TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - This thread is good timing
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Subject This thread is good timing
Posted by megaDan on September 08, 2022 at 1:09 PM
  This message has been viewed 282 times.
In Reply To Nobody seems to talk about them much nowadays but what about posted by Inzane on September 08, 2022 at 11:57 AM
Message My LZ320-TC1MD is nearly on the way out. I purchased from IPP years ago, it was marketed as the "JWT Severe Duty" which does not correlate to JWT's website. However the part number LZ320-TC1MD is listed as hi-perf.

No idea if this is the HD clutch you are talking about. I don't see a "HD" on JWT's website. It has served me well for 8 years or so and ~500whp/tq. It is mostly streetable but can be a touch grabby. I'm not sure if the occasional start from a stop challenge is due to the clutch or the fact that I've deleted the vacuum assist.

I'll likely replace with the same, but I'm interested in other alternatives that may be more budget friendly or more streetable.

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