I worked at a Ford dealer one year while in college. I was the “detail” guy. Pretty much just vacuumed, washed, dressed, deodorized enough to put on used car lot. Definitely not “detailing” in my eyes. Anyways…. This was late 90’s. We had 1 mechanic his only job was warranty repairs and replacements on new F150’s. Sometimes customers would have to have their 2 year old F150 have transmission rebuilt or replaced several times. Eventually drivetrain warranty would run out and 9 / 10 of them would trade back in for another F150 ( face palm ).
Another mech only replaced engines in car 1-3 years old. After talking with the guy and watching him work I realized these things are made of crap. Honestly looked like bottom of the barrel material and craftsmanship was used. He was to just completely replace everything as the cost to repair would be 3x cost of new engine. And this was a constant cycle. Both the guys told me: “I’ll never buy a Ford except a Ranger. The rest are absolute garbage”. They both drove Manual Tacomas with over 400k hard miles. And Accords with 300k miles . Ironic how they both had same vehicle and same experience. “ Yup the clear coat on these Hondas suck, but everything on the Ford sucks. We get people coming in after 1-3 years ownership complaining of the rust in the wheel well and trunk” “ I wash my car regularly,rarely in winter months and have it waxed” “ Sorry maa’m it’s a Ford” I heard 1 tech say. Found on road dead F%}^#¥ over rebuilt dodge Fast only rolling downhill Just sayn
` 1990 NA 1993 TT |