TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: okay, so did they not have any? even tho the site says so
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Subject Re: okay, so did they not have any? even tho the site says so
Posted by Mike@ZSpeed on September 01, 2022 at 10:42 PM
  This message has been viewed 241 times.
In Reply To okay, so did they not have any? even tho the site says so (n/m) posted by devsdead Z32 on September 01, 2022 at 10:23 PM
Message Yes he said the 500’s and 600’s are NLA.
I don’t know why he still has them up.
He really needs to update that.

Z1 still has the 500’s listed. But they are also NLA.
I emailed them about that and the response is “ every now and then we get 1 in every couple months”.
This confused me so I contacted Ben @ JWT.
He said that’s not true and they haven’t made any for a while.

Are the 525’s just sold out?
Are they just delayed due to Covid-19 but are still available for sale in the future?

Another option is to find a used set of 525’s and use or rebuild a set of 525’s.
But for the cost of buying and rebuilding you might as well just 530’s and some 3” DP’s.
Also it seems like it’s mixed thoughts on rebuilt turbos.
51% say don’t do it.
49% say no problem.

I’m interested to hear if the 525’s are just delayed or NLA.
I was thinking of getting them for a NA-TT build I am debating about doing in the future to my NA.

1990 NA
1993 TT

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