TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Battery tenders, joke's on me, jajajajaja and some NZR stuff
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Subject Battery tenders, joke's on me, jajajajaja and some NZR stuff
Posted by robo (sebring1970) on August 10, 2022 at 10:56 AM
  This message has been viewed 738 times.
Message Just returned from my Happy Place, Medellin, Colombia, South America. I was gone about three months. I have two house builds going on down there now, one in the city of Medellin of roughly 4.5 million people, and one on a mountain top three hours north of the city in a tiny pueblo, where my girlfriend was born (see foto with red arrow), so I guess you would say I am committed, to say the least. I've been with the same novia or girlfriend from Day 1 almost three years ago, in an open relationship.

ANYWHO, a few of you know I am on the PRO side of battery tenders for cars that sit, rather than pull the battery which I maintain is more work, and I believe the cars "like" the trickle current.

However, there is one caveat. You should not reverse the polarity when you hook up the tender to the positive and negative battery poles, like I did to my z31.

I have a fancy, schmancy diagnostic battery charger and tester, and at first it showed the battery to be fully charged 100% at 13.5 volts, but when I tried to start the car everything went dim and the tester read "battery failure." I tried the "repair battery" cycle on my fancy charger, but to no avail. Jajajaja, the battery is in my z31 and was 2yy 10mo old so no great loss but I am a man who is not afraid to admit his mistakes, as you can tell.

My excuses are stupidity, being in a rush when I left a few months ago, bad lighting, and the battery poles are opposite on my z31 compared to my z32 battery.

Oh yeah, I also backed out of my garage in my z32 with the battery tender still connected, jajajajajajaaaa. That caused me a "WTF?" when I returned and saw my extension cord strewn across my driveway, Maybe for the protection of my cars I should start pulling the batteries instead of using trickle chargers, except you know that I won't.

Foto is of my build site in the country. Most treacherous road I have ever been on to get there. Those are the Andes Mountains, mi amigos. The road to the small pueblo washes out regularly during the rainy season and then it is access by horseback only. Half the cost of the build is delivery cost of the building materials, but my girlfriend's family is doing the labor for free, so it's almost a direct offset. Once there, it is one of the most peaceful places on the planet for me. I met FOUR generations of my mi novia there, starting with her great grandmother.

What the heck, I threw in a foto of my novia at the last minute. I am proud of her, old enough to be her (cough, cough, that was TWO coughs), and she tolerates my bad behavior when I am down there. As the saying goes, I out-punted my coverage with her and I don't deserve such a sweetheart.

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