TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Tires deteriorating over winter?
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Subject Tires deteriorating over winter?
Posted by Roadster94 on August 08, 2022 at 7:21 PM
  This message has been viewed 339 times.
Message I'm shopping for a new set of tires. The car is currently putting down 400whp with the mods in my profile. I'm considering a few upgrades which could put it closer to 500 so I'd like something that can hold the power.

I'm looking at the Pilot Sport 4S and Toyo Proxes R1R, but I'm concerned about them deteriorating over winter. I won't be driving the car in the winter but the tires will be on the car year-round in an unheated garage, temps hitting -30 to -40 at times.

Is anyone using either of these tires and exposing them to the cold like this? I read conflicting things about summer tires cracking and deteriorating early if they're not kept warmer over the winter. If this is something I should be concerned about then what are some good alternatives these days?

Thanks for the recommendations.

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