TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Polar Engineering v-band exhaust manifold production update
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Subject Polar Engineering v-band exhaust manifold production update
Posted by Polar_Engineering on July 18, 2022 at 12:54 AM
  This message has been viewed 1047 times.
Message Hello,

This is another update that I wanted to post for those who may be interested in this project.

As I mentioned in my first post, I am currently working on mass producing a v-band exhaust manifold kit for Z32. As this point, the first set of manifolds has been completed. CNC machining jigs have been built, CNC programming finalized and casting have been machined. These manifolds have no weld-on flanges on them. V-band flanges for both the turbine and wastegate side are machined into the casting.

I am attaching a couple of pictures to give everyone an idea of how things are positioned. Driver side is displayed in photos below to show a reverse rotated turbocharged with compressor discharge port pointing up to eliminate a 90* adapter that is used in that location from the factory. Manifolds are mirrored, so the passenger side will be a mirror version of what you see here.

In the coming weeks I will be ordering production on manifold cores and begin making molds that will be used for casting a first batch of manifolds sometime in August. There is a group of participants I have going for this batch. All planned production sets have been claimed.

Next week I will also begin working on finalizing downpipe designs and having material pre-cut to have those parts produced. Intake kits will follow shortly after, as well as miscellaneous parts for turbocharges and wastegate cooling. Those will all be available for purchase and hopefully become a standard, off the shelf setup for this platform.

I have a lot more detailed posts on Facebook and Instagram. Please feel free to look over those if you find this information interesting.
If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

More to follow.

Thank you,

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