TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Ditto - often. Just about every time I'm caught outside the
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Subject Ditto - often. Just about every time I'm caught outside the
Posted by Woodnutz (PA) on July 07, 2022 at 7:56 AM
  This message has been viewed 295 times.
In Reply To How often do people ask about your car? posted by Mockingbird on July 06, 2022 at 06:52 PM
Message car. If they don't say anything, they do take a nice look at it. The mix of how people react is somewhat predictable:

- The >40 crowd typically gives a thumbs-up or "nice car" comment, although I've seen a couple of instances where the dad points to the car as he talks to his son - that's kinda cool to see.

- The <40 crowd are the ones that are usually more mystified by it, which makes sense, given the era. They usually don't say much other than asking if it's new and what it is. Kids in the drive-thru are the best.

Every now and then, I'll catch someone snapping a pic/video. Last year, I drove it to Philly and saw that on more than one occasion while cruising on the turnpike. Of course, I had to give a brief performance demonstration :P

Maybe 10% of the interactions I get, the person has some legitimate comments or memories to share. That's my favorite. It's really cool to listen to either someone who had one before or whose dad/uncle had one.

- Aaron

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