to replace their torn or worn-out seats. Interior Innovations charges $300 for standard synthetic skins. I think you can upgrade to real leather for another $100 or so. Replacement foam is another $200. So someone looking to refresh their torn seats will be spending $300-$600 plus installation. Granted, that also comes with options for custom stitching, embroidery, etc, but it's a starting point. If the leather and foam on your seats truly are in 9/10 condition and you're not in a hurry to sell, I think I'd post them for $600 since that's about what someone would need to spend to refresh their worn-out seats. Shipping will be the biggest catch, so if you live in a remote area you might lose a lot of pricing leverage. Years ago most people would want the option to customize if they were spending $600 on their seats, but now there are a lot of people who will pay good money for clean OEM cosmetic parts, especially if they have a BaT quality car that just needs a few things freshened up.