TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Police officer: What happened?
Police officer: What happened?
Posted by
on May 06, 2022 at 1:30 PM
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Not a Z but a very expensive short ride, not manual savvy>>>
posted by ZUL8TR
on May 05, 2022 at 02:22 PM
Car owner: I just bought this car at an auction, so I was taking it to the DMV to get some advice on the best way to drive a manual transmission... oh, and get my license renewed, and this TREE just runs right into me...
Me: Stupid is, stupid does.
Follow Ups
Not a Z but a very expensive short ride, not manual savvy>>>
14:22:20 05/05/22
Re: Not a Z but a very expensive short ride, not manual savvy>>>
15:55:37 05/05/22
Not a Z but I wasn't expecting a $700,000 Ford GT (n/m)
robo (sebring1970)
01:45:29 05/06/22
Values on those were well below retail for a short while,
Barry (NJ)
08:53:38 05/06/22
wow, at that appreciation graph (n/m)
robo (sebring1970)
11:47:14 05/06/22
It's the car to buy if you want to records
FlawleZ (San Antonio)
13:17:56 05/06/22
Police officer: What happened? -
13:30:17 05/06/22
One article I read suggested the driver mentioned
09:01:48 05/09/22
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