TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - The new Z would look a lot better if
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Subject The new Z would look a lot better if
Posted by FlawleZ (San Antonio) on April 30, 2022 at 1:20 AM
  This message has been viewed 245 times.
In Reply To Snapped some pics of the Z32 with the new Z posted by Stanky (BC) on April 29, 2022 at 04:40 PM
Message Your Z32 wasn't in the picture. Not just because your Z32 looks better, but it's really a different car. The Z32 has always sat on a pedestal in regards to styling and performance and this is a perfect example. Just look how closely the new Z resembles the S30. That car looks far closer in appearance than the 20 year newer Z32.

When comparing the new Z it's important to remember Nissan isn't trying to build another Z32. That will likely never happen. The GT-R of today represents what a modern Z32 would be in respects to performance.

1987 300ZX Turbo
545 RWHP & 540 RWTQ
v=iJa5qr4RIIM>On The Dyno

"Ahh, to have the pos 323 appreciated by a 30k evo

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