TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Still a tease, but less of one.
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Subject Still a tease, but less of one.
Posted by Woodnutz (PA) on April 12, 2022 at 10:49 AM
  This message has been viewed 613 times.

Per UPS, should be delivered tomorrow!

For those who have experience, I have a question. I'm not looking to get it tuned for a while, so I'll be seeting boost limit on my own. Assuming 85% ethanol, do any of you have recommendations in that regard? Engine and turbos are OEM and will be targeting a max of 500whp. Any ideas for a starting point? I was thinking around 20 psi. I'm sure there's a way to calculate what it should be, but I haven't dove into that just yet and any online calculators I've found seem like trash.

- Aaron

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